

Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnerships Grant

The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and the HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) grant are programs administered through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The programs provide funding in support of low and moderate-income persons and neighborhoods in Westminster. The grant amounts are based on population size and the number of low- to moderate-income persons residing in the community. Any project or program funded with these federal dollars must meet specific eligibility criteria set by HUD, address a community need, and meet a national objective of the program.

If you are interested in receiving email updates on Westminster’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, please contact the CDBG team and they will add your name to the list.

Current CDBG Program Notifications

  • Upcoming Reports and Amendments
    • The 2021 CDBG Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluative Report (CAPER) will be posted for community review by December 8.  Stay tuned and be in touch with staff if you have questions.
    • The City will perform two Substantial Amendments in December:
      • An amendment to the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan to add a new project in support of a community open air market at West 73rd and Lowell Boulevard, and
      • An amendment to the 2022 Annual Action Plan (AAP) to accept an additional $24,692.00 in redistributed CDBG funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Region 8.

    These amendments will be posted by November 15 and will be in review for 30-days before they are filed with HUD.


  • Upcoming Reports and Amendments
    • The 2021 CDBG Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluative Report (CAPER) will be posted for community review by December 8.  Stay tuned and be in touch with staff if you have questions.
    • The City will perform two Substantial Amendments in December:
      • An amendment to the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan to add a new project in support of a community open air market at West 73rd and Lowell Boulevard, and
      • An amendment to the 2022 Annual Action Plan (AAP) to accept an additional $24,692.00 in redistributed CDBG funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Region 8.

    These amendments will be posted by November 15 and will be in review for 30-days before they are filed with HUD.


  • 73rd and Lowell Future Use

    For more information on the future use of 73rd and Lowell, click button below.

    73rd & Lowell Future Use
  • 73rd and Lowell Future Use

    For more information on the future use of 73rd and Lowell, click button below.

    73rd & Lowell Future Use

CDBG Program Information

CDBG Active Plans

  • 2022 Annual Action Plan

    The 2022 Annual Action Plan has been accepted by HUD and is available below.

    Full 2022 Annual Action Plan Executive Summary in English/Spanish Appendix: Community Input
  • 2022 Annual Action Plan

    The 2022 Annual Action Plan has been accepted by HUD and is available below.

    Full 2022 Annual Action Plan Executive Summary in English/Spanish Appendix: Community Input
  • 2021 Annual Action Plan

    As a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Entitlement jurisdiction, the City of Westminster receives an annual allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding to support and address HUD national objectives. The City is required to provide an Annual Action Plan (AAP) at the beginning of the federal program year to identify and describe how entitlement funds will be used. The Federal program year runs from July 1 through June 30.

    View Plan
  • 2021 Annual Action Plan

    As a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Entitlement jurisdiction, the City of Westminster receives an annual allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding to support and address HUD national objectives. The City is required to provide an Annual Action Plan (AAP) at the beginning of the federal program year to identify and describe how entitlement funds will be used. The Federal program year runs from July 1 through June 30.

    View Plan
  • 73rd and Lowell

    Asbestos Abatement and Demolition at 7287 Lowell Blvd and 3630 West 73rd Ave


    • Abate the asbestos located in the exterior and interior of both buildings. All asbestos abatement activities are in accordance with Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) regulations, permitting, and guidance.
    • Asbestos abatement will require the buildings to be tented and a generator to be on at all times during this time (estimated two weeks).
    • Demolish both buildings after certification from CDPHE the asbestos is abatement is complete.
    • Disconnect water and sanitary sewer service lines.


    Asbestos abatement will begin June 2021. Demolition and site cleanup will start sequentially in July 2021. All work is expected to be complete in July 2021.

    Current Work

    The project team has obtained all necessary permits from CDPHE to start the asbestos abatement.

    For more details, contact:  Seth Plas at (303) 658-2096

    In December 2020, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) completed a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Part 50 environmental review of the site in anticipation of application to HUD for approval to use federal funds for the development. This review requires the City to perform site clean-up that is detailed in a Voluntary Clean Up Plan (VCUP).  The VCUP is overseen by environmental engineers and each activity is documented and reported to the Colorado Department of Housing and Urban Development  (CDPHE).

    Additionally, the State of Colorado has been performing groundwater monitoring and mitigation at the site for the past decade. The purpose of the State monitoring is to determine the extent of a plume of contaminated groundwater created by an historic underground storage tank associated with a gasoline station operated on the north-west corner of the intersection. The ground water contamination has been tracked and monitored and will be mitigated during development. Any housing built on the site will be served by City water, so the groundwater will not be a factor in the use of the site.

    The City will complete demolition and site clean-up on the three parcels located on the south-west corner of West 73rd Avenue and Lowell Boulevard between March and July 2021.  The clean-up process includes asbestos abatement during the initial deconstruction of the buildings, demolition of structures on site, removal of all debris and soils testing in compliance with required environmental remediation.

    The associated environmental assessment documentation is posted below.

    Final NEPA Part 50 Filed Voluntary Clean-Up Plan Acceptance of Voluntary Clean-Up Plan Groundwater Monitoring Report - Request for Tier 4 Closure No Further Action Determination
  • 73rd and Lowell

    Asbestos Abatement and Demolition at 7287 Lowell Blvd and 3630 West 73rd Ave


    • Abate the asbestos located in the exterior and interior of both buildings. All asbestos abatement activities are in accordance with Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) regulations, permitting, and guidance.
    • Asbestos abatement will require the buildings to be tented and a generator to be on at all times during this time (estimated two weeks).
    • Demolish both buildings after certification from CDPHE the asbestos is abatement is complete.
    • Disconnect water and sanitary sewer service lines.


    Asbestos abatement will begin June 2021. Demolition and site cleanup will start sequentially in July 2021. All work is expected to be complete in July 2021.

    Current Work

    The project team has obtained all necessary permits from CDPHE to start the asbestos abatement.

    For more details, contact:  Seth Plas at (303) 658-2096

    In December 2020, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) completed a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Part 50 environmental review of the site in anticipation of application to HUD for approval to use federal funds for the development. This review requires the City to perform site clean-up that is detailed in a Voluntary Clean Up Plan (VCUP).  The VCUP is overseen by environmental engineers and each activity is documented and reported to the Colorado Department of Housing and Urban Development  (CDPHE).

    Additionally, the State of Colorado has been performing groundwater monitoring and mitigation at the site for the past decade. The purpose of the State monitoring is to determine the extent of a plume of contaminated groundwater created by an historic underground storage tank associated with a gasoline station operated on the north-west corner of the intersection. The ground water contamination has been tracked and monitored and will be mitigated during development. Any housing built on the site will be served by City water, so the groundwater will not be a factor in the use of the site.

    The City will complete demolition and site clean-up on the three parcels located on the south-west corner of West 73rd Avenue and Lowell Boulevard between March and July 2021.  The clean-up process includes asbestos abatement during the initial deconstruction of the buildings, demolition of structures on site, removal of all debris and soils testing in compliance with required environmental remediation.

    The associated environmental assessment documentation is posted below.

    Final NEPA Part 50 Filed Voluntary Clean-Up Plan Acceptance of Voluntary Clean-Up Plan Groundwater Monitoring Report - Request for Tier 4 Closure No Further Action Determination

CDBG Filed Plans

  • 2020 Comprehensive Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER)

    The 2020 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluative Report (CAPER) for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program.

    The programs provide funding in support of low- moderate-income persons and neighborhoods in Westminster. For questions, please contact Molly Tayer, at mtayer@cityofwestminster.us or call 303-658-2414.

    View the CAPER
  • 2020 Comprehensive Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER)

    The 2020 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluative Report (CAPER) for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program.

    The programs provide funding in support of low- moderate-income persons and neighborhoods in Westminster. For questions, please contact Molly Tayer, at mtayer@cityofwestminster.us or call 303-658-2414.

    View the CAPER
  • 2019 Comprehensive Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER)

    The 2019 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluative Report (CAPER) for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program and the HOME Investment Partnership Program covers the funding year from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.

    The programs provide funding in support of low- moderate-income persons and neighborhoods in Westminster. For questions, please contact Molly Tayer, Housing Coordinator at mtayer@cityofwestminster.us or call 303-658-2414.

    View the 2019 City of Westminster CAPER
  • 2019 Comprehensive Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER)

    The 2019 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluative Report (CAPER) for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program and the HOME Investment Partnership Program covers the funding year from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.

    The programs provide funding in support of low- moderate-income persons and neighborhoods in Westminster. For questions, please contact Molly Tayer, Housing Coordinator at mtayer@cityofwestminster.us or call 303-658-2414.

    View the 2019 City of Westminster CAPER
  • 2019 Annual Action Plan
    As a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Entitlement jurisdiction, the City of Westminster receives an annual allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding to support and address HUD national objectives. The City is required to provide an Annual Action Plan (AAP) at the beginning of the federal program year to identify and describe how entitlement funds will be used. The Federal program year runs from July 1 through June 30.
    View Plan
  • 2019 Annual Action Plan
    As a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Entitlement jurisdiction, the City of Westminster receives an annual allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding to support and address HUD national objectives. The City is required to provide an Annual Action Plan (AAP) at the beginning of the federal program year to identify and describe how entitlement funds will be used. The Federal program year runs from July 1 through June 30.
    View Plan
